sheep in wolf's clothing

Robble! Robble!

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Location: England, United Kingdom

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

BIENVENIDOS! Posted by Hello

me first post, yarrr

Ok, so I've finally decided to start a blog. I'm so horrible at writing those long ass emails that lets everyone know what's going on, so let's try this. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. We'll see.

Anyways, this past weekend was crazy nutso busy. The band ( played our first show in a long time on friday night. Pretty nice overall, I would say. Friends showed up as well as some randoms. The venue was this gaijin bar that's not designed for live bands but the gaijin owner really likes live bands, so he's soundproofed ONE wall. So YES the cops were called. Japanese 5-0 in the hizzouse!!! And they even bought a CD (not really). But yeah, we've got CDs available now--our first EP "Abunai Baby!" (get it?) They sold like hotcakes and people were asking us to autograph them 'n shit. Weird. Pretty soon, I'll be signing tits!

Saturday was the all Mie-ken JET talent show. Molly (my neighbor) and I have been practicing for weeks doing the Napoleon Dynamite dance. We got the choreo down pat, and dressed up as Pedro and Deb, respectively. Let me say, my pink spandex tye dye pants were HOTTT. You know you want a pair. (how do i put pix up on this thing?) And Molly looked like a rockabilly dyke. It was great. Alas, those who hadn't seen the movie, and there were more than a few, couldn't quite grasp the beauty and the essence of our ground breaking choreography and we failed to place. Oh well, 'tis better to be misunderstood for my art than to do some Britney bullshit that everyone likes. The band also played at the closing of the show. I saw these things in the audience while singing: Japanese people sleeping, Japanese children covering their ears in horror, Japanese people talking to eachother. (JAPAN!!!) And the people who WERE enjoying it were so far away that I got no energy from the crowd. It felt like a really shitty show. Of course, people loved it and we sold the rest of our CDs. Even the sound guy, who spoke no English, bought one. I don't mean to make it sound like a big deal--we only had 25 CDs to begin with, but I was hella (and pleasantly) surprised that people wanted to listen to us.

Lesse, what else...oh yeah, I met Mike's parents yesterday. Boy, I was nervous. I'm so bad at conversation when I don't know people. Luckily they turned out to be really nice. We went to the "Louvre S. Museum". The "S" stands for Sculpture. Imagine a museum, about the size of my house in Carlsbad, and cram about 600 fake sculptures (sorry, replicas) from the Louvre, inside. Now stick it in the middle of frickin nowhere, hidden by mountains and rice paddies. And put giant replicas of the Venus de Milo (sp?) and the Statue of Liberty outside in front of it. It was one of the most ridiculously bizarre things I've ever seen. Mike's mom even found two busts--one cast in "bronze" and one cast in "marble" which they tried to pass off as being two different people, but were in fact one in the same. It was amazing. Mike then took us all out to dinner where we ate...a live fish. Well, pretty much alive. It was this really cool restaurant where they've got a fishtank in the center. They took one of the fish, chopped its head almost off, gutted it, then chopped it up sashimi style and served the pieces of sashimi on the rest of the still quivering fish. The fish was still gasping and the tail ticking as we picked up pieces and dipped them in wasabi and soy sauce. It was delicious. And pretty fucked up. But shit, you'd be a real hypocrite, (not to mention a pussy), if you couldn't eat that but still ate meat. I personally have no problem eating something I could kill, and fish I have killed. Cow? Nah.

Right now: I'm at work. School's just gotten out and I'll be heading home soon.
Weather: Gorgeous & perfect with a nice breeze.
I'm reading: Life, the Universe and Everything by Douglas Adams
I'm listening to: the Franz, the Zepp, the Cars
Can't wait to listen to: Louis XIV, Caesars
Special thanks to: Grace, who does this at the end of her blog. (