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Location: England, United Kingdom

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Most Racistest Comment Ever.

Yesterday, while I was at work, a very drunk old(er) white male came in. He came in with one of the regulars, Nigel, and ordered a double vodka, no ice, no nothing. My alcoholic radar senses something's not quite right here, but I serve him. He slurs, "Wow, you have very good English!" I say thanks, confused. Jacob, the 17 year old cook whispers "He thinks you're from Japan."
Then white drunk male says, "When I was young, I used to be young and attractive and could get any girl I want..." I walk away.

He sits by Nigel, who by this time has told me to not serve Martin, the v. drunk man. Sure, no problem, I say.

Martin asks for another double vodka. I ignore him. He then says, "You know, I've always been afraid of dating an Oriental woman, because I'm afraid I'll end up chopped up in a wok."

I stop. Then say, "That's racist, and I'm not serving you." And went back to ignoring him and cleaning glasses.

He then starts blathering on about how he's not racist, he just doesn't know the culture and I don't even remember what else. I couldn't believe the diarrhea that was coming out of his mouth. I told him he needed to shut it before he made an even bigger fool out of himself.

My boyfriend said I should have told him "I wouldn't get much of a meal out of your very small penis."

There have been a few other times when old white men have used the word "Oriental" and applied stereotypes. I need more comebacks! Please help me!

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Blogger scullyknits said...

For the short sharp shock - f*** off C*** works well I have found

In this particular 'gentleman's case perhaps ......

f*** off you old, pissed c*** could do the trick.

Or Mike's comment is v good as well

10:39 PM  
Blogger Princess Inaka said...

pretty tough to top Mike's

8:16 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

You should use your karate or Chinese black magic on these people next time.

12:54 AM  

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