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Location: England, United Kingdom

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I hate plastic bags.

I utterly despise them. They are ubiquitous and take up stupid amounts of space. You throw them away and the next thing you know they're flying around town thinking they're like that bag on American Beauty. It's not beautiful at all. It's garbage. Use these for shopping instead.

Mike's house has 3 drawers full of them which drove me to think of ways to get rid of them. Good for smothering and small bins, but you only need a few for that. I remembered awhile back, BUST mag had an article on crocheting a bag out of plastic bags. Brilliant. So I searched and searched online for stuff to make, but mostly it was plastic bags and scrubbing sponges, mostly. Alright, fine, let's make a bag. I grabbed all the orange Sainsbury's bags I could find and started cutting them up. I made the "yarn" and started making a circle. As the circle grew, I thought, "Hang on a round ball...October...Halloween....pumpkin!"

So, as we speak, I am designing a jack-o-lantern to be crocheted out of plastic bags. I hope it works! Then I can post it on Ravelry and be cool.


ps. I didn't get the job. After 3 (count 'em, THREE) interviews, I got rejected for someone else. I probably looked too young and smiled too much. Damn this Asian face!


Blogger Mr R Rabbit said...

Now that sounds like a great idea, i want one of those pumpkins.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Grace said...

I remember those sainsbury bags. Let me know how the pumpkin project goes. And welcome back to blogging!

3:39 AM  
Blogger scullyknits said...

ha ha I look forward to seeing the finished article!

11:44 PM  
Blogger shan said...

wow, jenni. it's been a minute. yes, i need to get on facebook. and job searching and interviewing sucks a big fat one, doesn't it?'s the lovely uk treating you? miss you....

10:07 AM  

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