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Location: England, United Kingdom

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Sayonara Suckas!

This past weekend was our Sayonara party. We made it a white t-shirt party (ahhh, college) so everyone could write on everyone else's shirts. I'm always worrying that something'll go wrong at our events, (I'm 1/2 of the AJET events coordinating team) but I'm glad I always do all that worrying for nothing, cuz the party ended up being a huge success. My friend Canadian Sean played, I got Maverick Troop, this crazy J-punk band to play and my band played as well. It was one of our last shows and an awesome one at that. I totally full on cried. Jeff and Chels are both leaving. It won't be the same with out 'em.
I don't have other pix yet but I will, as soon as I remember to bring my camera to work. In the meantime, enjoy some more pix of the band. Too bad there aren't any hot pix of the bass player this time around. But I do have pix of 2 love hotels that we got rejected from that night. They were FULL. Can you believe it? I couldn't believe it. You guys'll have to wait yet AGAIN for me to both remember my camera AND get inside a love hotel for the real scoop. Stay tuned...

Reading: 2 books on Shuwa (Japanese Sign Language)
Listening to: nothing. Mike has my iPod.
Watching: the clock

oh my god. Star Wars comes out this weekend and I'm going camping! Damn the wilderness!!!


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