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Monday, January 23, 2006

New Year's Resolutions--a survey

I only did this lesson in my 3rd years' reading class. They're all about 17-18 years old. The results surprised me. At first I thought almost every girl had said something about dieting, but upon further analysis, I realized I was wrong.

3-1 Class
33 students, 28 girls, 5 boys

52% wanted to save money
Of those 52%, 35% wanted to save money so they could go shopping and 18% said they wanted to save money so they could buy a car.
24% wanted to diet
18% wanted to prepare for Uni
9% wanted to travel
9% wanted to wake up earlier
9% wanted to play with their friends

Other resolutions included preparing for the real world/future, making their parents happy, getting their driver's license, having fun, getting better at cooking, and making new friends.

Of course there's some overlap since most students made more than one resolution.

Favorites include:

"This year, my new year's resolution is to be want many friends in University. I will live in Nagoya of alone. I am worried about who can make a friend. So I am most of the finting. And I want to enjoy in Univarsity life."

"This year, my new year's resolution is to take self-conciousness. I'm come to a member of society. And my parents filial duty. Because I trouble ever they. I hope their have please."

"This year, my new year's resolution is to diet!! And save more money. Because smart body is envy. I want be smart body!! If I get smart body that got to the shopping. NEVR GIVE UP DAIETO!!"

"This year, my new year's resolution is to diet. I want to small face!!! So I don't eat cakes."

This small face thing has me confused. It has something to do with attractiveness, though I'm not sure what. People have said that to me here, "Oh, small face! Small face!" WTF does that mean? And why is that attractive?

Oh well, as far as the survey goes, I guess it's not so surprising. Money and consumerism has become so central in our lives. (Central in MY life!! It's horrible.) We learn at a very young age to value money. I saw a kid at a train station a few months ago--he was maybe 3 or 4, but he reached into his mom's Louis Vuitton purse and took her wallet. He took out a 1000 yen note to buy a drink in the vending machine, but since he couldn't reach, started crying and his mom discovered what he was doing. I think she then bought him a drink. Jesus tapdancing Christ. Why not teach your kids that stealing is wrong?

Reading (slowly): Guns, Germs & Steel
Listening: the Rolling Stones
Knitting: the "Yo! Drop it!" scarf from Stitch n Bitch Nation and a Knitting Pure & Simple sweater for my dad.


Blogger shan said...

small face = skinny person.

i could tell the first couple of resolutions were done by using that ridiculous online translator thing cuz it's too literal. i love how students cheat.

miss you girl! thanks for the nengajyo and happy new year to you too!

4:44 AM  
Blogger Princess Inaka said...

Dude my new catch phrase is so gonna be NEVR GIVE UP DAIETO!!!

Can UUDD write a song about that?

p.s wanna come to the beer fest on the 4th? Lemme know.


8:29 AM  
Blogger Grace said...

Like Shannon says, small face = skinny person. Also, being asian, we all have rounder faces than western people and we naturally gain weight in our faces and it's super-hard for asians to achieve small faces! Never give up DAIETO!!

7:07 PM  

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